Career Path
The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to the development of its deputies, their individual skills sets, and their leadership abilities. With this goal in mind, the Career Path was developed. The Career Path is designed to provide a road map for career progression for deputies within the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office. A deputy must complete all the training on the path before being eligible for promotion. The Sheriff’s Office works diligently to ensure that deputies have every available opportunity to attend the required trainings throughout their career.
Some examples of the training our deputies receive are: leadership schools, interview and interrogation classes, crime scene investigation, and drug identification courses (among many others).
You will find the current Garfield County Sheriffs Office Career Path below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a recruiter at recruiting@garcosheriff.com.

Yearly In House Training
16 hours of Firearms Training
16 hours of Defensive Tactics (hand to hand combat)
Standard Field Sobriety Tests
Verbal de-escalation
S.T.O.P.s training

Ride Along With a Deputy
Deputy I
ICS 100, 200, 700 & 800
Report Writing
Courtroom Testimony
Standard Field Sobriety Tests
Victims Rights Training
Interview and Interrogation
Conflict Resolution
Basic Crime Scene Investigation
Winter Driving
Must be current on in-house training
ICS 100, 200, 700 & 800
Report Writing
Courtroom Testimony
Victims Rights Training
Conflict Resolution
Inmate Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
Must be current on in-house training
Deputy II
ARIDE Training
Train the Trainer
Spanish for Law Enforcement
Crime Scene Photography
Front Line Leadership (CSOC) or LPO
Prepare a Search Warrant
Prepare an Arrest Warrant
10 hours Community Involvement
36 hours with a Detention Deputy II
Community Problem Presentation
2 shifts and 1 eviction with a Civil Deputy
Basic Detentions Academy
Spanish for Corrections
Drug ID & Symptomology
Train the Trainer
Front Line Leadership (CSOC) or LPO
Facility Problem Presentation
10 hours of Community Involvement
36 hours with a Patrol Deputy II